Межлабораторный семинар по генетике растений 8 декабря 2017 года, ИЦиГ
Межлабораторный семинар по генетике растений состоится 8 декабря 2017 года в 10-00 в конференц-зале ИЦиГ СО РАН.
Доклад Профессора Мин ЧЕНА, Университет Чжецзян, г.Ханчжоу, Китай «Реконструкция многоуровневых генных сетей риса»
Professor Ming Chen
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
«Genome-scale multi-level network reconstruction of rice»
Abstract: A complete biological network is the key to understanding the mechanism of life at molecular and cellular level. We were motivated to integrate different levels of biological networks, including gene regulatory network, protein-protein interaction (PPI), and metabolic network. We developed PRIN, a predicted rice interactome network. To predict subcellular locations of proteome, we developed PSI that derives the wisdom of multiple specialized predictors via a joint-approach of group decision making strategy and machine learning methods. Thereafter, we merged GRNs, PPIs and genome-scale metabolic networks (GSMNs) approaches into a single frame work for rice via omics’ regulatory information reconstruction and integration. Consequently, RiceNetDB, a database of systematically storing and visualizing the genome-scale multi-level network of rice was developed. This integrative bioinformatics framework for genome-scale multi-level network reconstruction of rice provides us a fine reference for rice molecular regulatory analysis and genotype-phenotype relationship understanding.