“Evolution of Life on the Earth” – The Federal Research Center

“Evolution of Life on the Earth”


Sub-Program II of the Complex Program of Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences

We plan to provide the following directions of the research within the frames of the current project:

Problem of abiogenic synthesis and chemical evolution of a substance during the period from pre-geological stages of formation of Earth till beginning of Archaean era.

  • Problem of matrix-free synthesis of organic substances in biomineral systems.
  • Problem of the “PNA World” (the simplest self-reproducing systems on the RNA-matrices).
  • Problem of Archaean- Proterozoic biological systems.
  • Problem of biogeoaromorphoses and co-evolution of abiotic and biotic events.
  • Problem of genetic mechanisms of progressive biological evolution.

Problem of molecular-genetic mechanisms of anthropogenesis.

By taking into account inter-disciplinary character of studies, it will be held within the frames of on-going Project, which will be executed by the institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences and scientific teams from the universities of Russian Federation, as well as by the foreign scientific organizations working in the fields of Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, chemistry, mathematics and informatics, and the humanities. The organizations given below will participate in the Project:

Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Joint Institute of Geology, Geophysics, and Mineralogy of SB RAS, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics of SB RAS, Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Institute of Systematization and Ecology of Animals of SB RAS, Institute of Biophysics of SB RAS, Limnlogical Institute of SB RAS, Institute of Automatics and Electrometry of SB RAS, Institute of Mathematics of SB RAS, Institute of Geology and Geophysics of Urals Department of RAS, Paleontology Institute of RAS, Moscow State University, Saint-Petersburg State University, Tomsk Pedagogic University, Omsk State University, Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine of SB RAS, Institute of Biology of Gene of RAS, Institute of Molecular Biology of RAS, Institute of Biological Chemistry of RAS, Institute of Molecular Genetics of RAS, Institute of Geology (Petrozavodsk), Institute of Microbiology of RAS, Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Minerals, Institute of General Genetics of RAS, Institute of Biology of Development of RAS, Institute of Biology of Gene, Tomsk State University, Zoological Institute of RAS, Botanical Institute of RAS, Institute of Biology of USC RAS, Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms of RAS (Perm), Institute of Populational Genetics and Human Evolution by name of M. Plank (Germany), Institute of Anthropology of the Vienna University (Austria), Museum of Anthropology.